Certified Organic Essential Oil, 10 ml
Balancing, Refreshing, Emotionally Clearing
Botanical Name: citrus bergamia
Origin: Italy
Part of Plant: rind
Extraction: cold pressed
Major Biochemical Compounds: Limonene, Linalyl acetate, Linalool
Emotional/Psychological Uses: Lifts negativity and depression, balances the psyche and gives energy without exciting the nervous system. An ideal oil to balance both anxious, nervous states and depressed, lethargic moods.
Common Uses: Antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and tonic. Can be used to clear and disinfect the environment. Also used to stimulate the appetite.
Cosmetic/Skin Uses: The aroma of Bergamot is gender neutral, light and fresh, making it an ideal choice for skincare products. *Bergamot is photosensitizing, do not use before UV exposure.
Blends Well With: Almost everything, all citrus, most woods, Neroli, Jasmine, Rose, Patchouli, Palmarosa, Vetiver, Geranium, Rosemary
Inside Info: Make a beautiful aftershave with Bergamot, Sandalwood, Lemon and Black Pepper (or Cardamom). Follow 'Recipes' instructions for 'Facial Spritzer'
Best Ways to Use (see 'Methods of Use'): Shower/bath, Multipurpose Cleaner, Facial Spritzer, Massage, Personal Roll-On and Room Diffusion