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Balancing Your Dosha with Botanicals

Balancing Your Dosha with Botanicals

What's your dosha?

Read the descriptions below to see which category you fall into...

By incorporating the best botanicals for your dosha into your daily life, you will be consistently encouraging balance for your unique constitution and helping to avoid extreme imbalances. 

Key characteristics: creative, quick, energetic, spontaneous, generally thin/slight build, tendency toward dry skin & hair
Signs of imbalance: anxiety, lack of focus, gas, dizziness, restlessness, insomnia, aches & pains, feeling cold/chilled

Best botanicals for Vata
SandalwoodVetiverYlang YlangLavender HighlandNeroliPetitgrain BigaradeFrankincenseRoseCistusSweet OrangeJuniper Berries

Best blends for Vata
Hydrate SynergyAnxiety RescueStress FreeAches & PainsContentmentSleep Well

Best ways to use these botanicals
Bath Milk, Bath Salts, Bath Honey, Hair or Scalp Oil, Exfoliant, Balm, Body Butter, Compress, Inhalant, Massage, Environmental Fragrance

Key characteristics: precise, sharp, discerning, passionate, driven, leader, generally medium build/muscular, tendency toward sensitive skin
Signs of imbalance: irritability, anger, excessive heat, body odor, red/rashy skin, inflammation, eczema or rosacea

Best botanicals for Pitta
Lavender Highland, Roman ChamomileBlue Tansy, HelichrysumBlue YarrowGerman ChamomileClary SageTurmericJasmine SambacPatchouli

Best blends for Pitta
Calm SynergyBlue CalmBlissHappinessMoon Mama

Best ways to use these botanicals
Salt Scrub, Clay Mask, Dry Brush, Deodorant, Body Powder, Facial Serum, Environmental Fragrance

Key characteristics: easy going, consistent, methodical, kind, patient, content, generally sturdy build, tendency toward oily skin
Signs of imbalance: sluggishness, low motivation, depression, lethargy, acne, enlarged pores, excessive oil in skin & hair

Best botanicals for Kapha
Rosemary HighlandGeranium RoseCypressLemongrassLemonBay LaurelEucalyptus RadiataPink GrapefruitPeppermintPalmarosaBlack Spruce

Best blends for Kapha
Clear SynergyClarityDetoxEnergy, Lift DepressionMental FocusSpaWoods

Best ways to use these botanicals
Clay Mask, Sauna, Facial Cleanser, Salt Scrub, Shampoo or Shower Gel, Foot Bath, Bath Salts

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